/* Pinterest website claiming thingie */ /* That's it for the pinterest thingie */ Aberrant Ceramics: Dumbo Octopus Sculpture


Aberrant Ceramics is the artwork of Aaron Nosheny,
ceramic artist and potter in Tucson, Arizona.

I work in the medium of stoneware clay and make hand-built pottery, sculpture, hamsas, ornaments, masks, and a variety of other forms.

Self-taught artist on the autism spectrum. I like monsters, insects, weird animals, body horror, horror comedy, Halloween decorations, fast food mascots, kitsch – and all of these creep into my work, but there’s really no overarching theme. I feel like I'm frantically birthing as many clay monstrosities out into the world as I can.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dumbo Octopus Sculpture

There really is an organism called the Dumbo octopus.  Octopuses of the genus Grimpoteuthis are some of the rarest and deepest dwelling of their kind.  The protruding fins must have reminded someone of the mutant baby elephant in the well-known Disney film.

Source image of the Dumbo octopus: